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Day Five - Wednesday

Having learned the lesson that only a fool is on the trail after 10 a.m., we rose at 3:30 a.m. and left camp by 5.  We crossed the muddy-colored Colorado in the dark and began the ascent. 

At 9:40 a.m. we arrived at Indian Garden Campground.  We'd seen incredible sights at every  switchback.  

We spent the day under our sunshade, counting lizards and listening to bizarre wild animal sounds.  


Day Six - Thursday

Another day of rising at 3:30 a.m. and getting on the trail.  The peace and tranquility of the inner canyon evaporated as we hiked higher and encountered more day-trippers venturing down into the canyon.  

We celebrated our accomplishment at the top.  

Six months of training and preparation led us on an unforgettable 24-mile adventure: One that could not even be spoiled by the 23 hours we spent in Las Vegas waiting for the flight home! 


Route 66 at Williams, Arizona
